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Full text of "FOIA: Canwell, Albert F. HQ 1"

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Form No. 1 



FILE no. 100-11729 




J0H1\ T Mi 











Subjects, three brothers, allegedly past' associates 
of Dr. HARM HENRY SCEEOMER, alleged pro-^Nazi profes- 
sor, Gonzaga University , Spokane, Y/ash. All subjects 
born U.S. and allegedly formerly connected with. Je- 
hovah's Witnesses, ALFRED F. CAlffimi now Deputy 
Sheriff , Spokane , shortly prior to entry of U. S« 
into war, stated that German short-wave broadcasts 
were only news that could be believed* 

- C - 

Details : 

This investigation was J conducted as the result of information d% reaped 
In the case entitled "HARM FIEKRl|sCHL0L'5P^ with aliases; INTERNAL SECURITY (G^ 
CUSTODIAL DETENTION", Seattle file number 100-1513 • It is noted that SCfflGHmj 
a former professor at Gonzaga University, Spokane, 'Washington, is reliably re- 
ported to have been a member of the German-American Bund; to havel been the leader 
of the Spokane Unit thereof; to. have entertained GEBKkRD WIHJJLK JKUNZS, national 
Bund leader, and TILLIX: DUDIE^TPRLIEY, national S qI* cUvo ^m^ leader, during 
visits of such individuals to Spokane; and to have made many pro-Nazi st*toiixnt~ 0 
The SCHLOLER investigation was discontirr.^. in August, 194-2, due to the induction 
of such Individual into the United States Arrny as a lieutenant. 


"1 an informant in the SCILLOMER case, advised Special Agent 

■J , , -1 ^ , ^ j_i L X1_ _ J_i "U J. 4- ~ „ V « A n-rmr, 

WILLIAM V. SNAFTNER on August 27, 1942, that the three subjects of this inves- 
tigation had associated with SCELOMER and that he believed they shared his views 
although he had no specific information thereon. 


at spoifoflK * iumaBflsyj r ; 



was reinterviewed by reporting agent at his residence, 






Bureau r WT* 
1- ^Seattle " " 

1- &L2 Pres. San Francisco V 

1- ONI Seattle 





^ 'ember 4> 1942* He stated that he had been well 

acquainted with CARt^,Nip4i who is employed at the Spokane Emergency Hospital, 
He stated that CARL GKMELL had formerly been one of the students taking SCHLOMER f s 
German language course at Gonzaga University and that the dissertation prepared 
by CARL for his Bachelor's Degree was on the subject of German Poetiy* This 
individual, whose full name is CARL D. QklTIIEIL, is, according to the Spokane 
City Directory, married to LUCILLE K^iCMTSSiL and is employed as a hospital steward 
and resides at West 1921 8th Avenue, Spokane* 

I b7D 
| gave the following description of this individual: 

Age 34 years 

Height 5 1 7" 

'Weight 145 pounds 

Build Slight 

Hair Curly, light brown 

Complexion Medium 

Occupation Hospital steward- presently 

medical student 

The wife of this informant was present during the interview and asked 
if she might advise agent of one fact which she did not have in mind at the time 
she was interviewed concerning the SCHLOMER case* She then stated that on one 
occasion she had said to Dr» SCHLO^SR, n How can you teach students about America 
when you ?re in favor of Germany? 1 ' to which Dr* SCHLOMER answered, f *I do net 
teach students in favor of Germany* 1 tell them the facts and let them make 
their own conclusions." 

ALFRED F. CANWEEL, according to Informant I I is a brother of the 

last-named subject and is an amateur photographer and an enthusiastic golfer* 
While in attendance at Gonzaga University, he took v arious c ourses from Dr* b7D 
SCHLOMER and appeared to be very friendly with him* | | has no information 

as to the Nationalistic sympathies of this individual. He stated that at one time 
Dr. SCHLOMER had told him that AL CAWWELL has three sets of license plates for 
his car and that his reason for having them was that if he should be pursued, 
he could change license plates* 

According to the Spokane City Directoiy, ALFRED F. CAEWELL resides at 
East 123 12th Avenue, Spokane, Washington* He is described by informant as: 

Age 37 years 

Height 5'10« 

Weight 150 pounds 

Build Slim 

Hair Light brown 

Mustache Yes 

Marital status Married* 


JOHN M. CAMELL, according to the same informant, is a brother of the 
other two subjects, is older than either of them, and probably was never one of 
Dr. SCHLOMER's students* However, acc ording t o the informant, this individual 

was also veiy friendly with SCHLOMEK. | | stated that there were two other 

brothers in the family whose names were JOSEPHICANWELL and CIAUDEI CAHWELL* 

| j advised agent that one other item had come to his mind concerning Dr« 

SCHLOMER since he had been interviewed on such case by Special Agent WILLIAM V* 
SHAFTNER in August, 1942* This was that he (the Infonnant) and SCHLOMER had at 
one time, after December 7, 1941 3 had a conversation regarding the cooperation 
then existing between Germany and Japan, and SCKLOMER had stated that Germany 
was, of course, glad to use all the help which it could obtain from Japan but 
that after the war, Germany would not give much consideration to the Japanese. 


furnished the following description for JOHN M. CANWELL who, 

incidentally, is listed in the Spokane City Directory as a laboratory technician 
residing at East 123 12th Street, Spokane: 

Age 40 years 

Height 6«1« 

Tfeight 165 pounds 

Build Slim 

Hair Brown 

Marital status Married 

Disposition Sour # 

Confidential Informant T41 advised that for a|num^gr of years past she 
has been well acquainted with JANE (MARSHALL and MRCM*M(rfi^ALL and that both 
of these young ladies had been possessed of large jterames in their own names* 
She advised that she became acquainted with ALFRTO"^ inasmuch as he had 

become the boyfriend and later the husband of Miss MARCINA MARSHALL and that at 
about the same time she had become acquainted with JOHN CANVS/ELL,who subsequently 
tmarried Miss JA^TE MARSHALL* She stated that these two CANWELL brothers were 
^inclined to become enthusiastic supporters of unusual ideas and that at one time 
■the two of them had associated themselves prominently with the Jehovah 1 s Witnesses 
Jorganization; that at another time they had become connected with the Seventh Day 
Adventist organization* Shortly before December 7, 1941* the informant had 
visited the residence of ALFRED CAOTELL, who was then listening to a short-wave 
radio broadcast from Germany* On this occasion, this subject made the remarkj 
"These aire the broadcasts you should listen to. Germany is the only countiy you 
can believe* 1 * On another occasion, MARCINA, who is identified as Mrs* ALFRED F. 
\CANWELL, stated to the informant, "AL won't have to go to war because he is going 
%o put his brother through Medical School and his brother won't have to go because 
he will be a Medical student." MARCINA, according to the informant, seemed highly 


pleased with this arrangement and thought it was a very neat scheme to keep the 
two brothers exempt from Selective Service. The informant furnished the further 
information that ALFRED F. CAHWELL is a professional photographer and that a 
few months prior to the end of the interview he had been appointed a full-time 
deputy sheriff at Spokane, Washington. She furnished the additional information 
that JOHN M. CANWELL, who married Miss JANE MARSHAL L, is presently attending a 
university at St. Louis, Missouri, *""" 



Spokane, Washington. 



TO : The Director DATS: April 8, 19h7 

FROM : D. M. Ladd 

SUBJKCT: State of Yteshington 

Un-American Activities Committee 
Jam/veil, Chairman 

uAp Maynor of the Seattle Office has recer:tly 'advised concerning 
the information of the captioned committee and has also reported 
that Al Canwell, Chairman of the committee, will possibly call 
at the Bureau in the near future ♦ 

In vietr of the nature of this committee *and Canwell's contemplated 
visit, available information concerning the committee and its 
chairman are bein" set out in a memorandum attached. 


61ATO23 1947 

" 7-. " *BOORDBr- 

i*Af» OO 1QA7 ■ 1--2 V i«"alW»«Ww7 

DATE 11-05-2009 

iprtl $, Ukt 


mst wsmurm ncT-nmm 
oommrm or us-americas ummim 
stati of ifASHmoTos 

A resolution was introduced before the Washington Stat* Boom of 
SeptrcMBtativM on February 26, 1«!»7| by loiureaentative AX Canwell, Spokane, 
Washington, and Representative Sidney Staves*, Seattle, Washington, far the 
foraation of a Joint Legislative Ceaaittee which will inveatigate facta 
eoneerniag individuals end organisation* aheee activities indicate a purpose 
to preset* internal etrife, to infiltrata Aaorican inatituUene, and to im- 
pede tha noraa! progress of the State and tteiea. This ntoIoUo& cited a 
atatoaent by Mr. Hoover, pointing out tha seriousness of toe Nation's problem 
with regard to the Coaaanlst influence. 

. ^his bill wee paaaad on torch 7, 1&7, in tha Washington Stat* 
Beuee of Representatives with eight dissenting votes. Al Canwell, Chairman 
of tola Ceaaittee, which ia to be composed of three asabers of tha State 
Senate and four asabers of the State House of Representativea, recently 
called on Special Agent in Charge H. 0. Mayner in Seattle to mate hiaaelf 
known and to advice of the GoBaittce*s intended aetivitiea. He stated that 
tha Ceaadttee intends to proceed slowly end will aroid making press releases 
regarding Coasntnist aetivittee without definite proof. Be said that the in* 
veetlgations of the Ceaaittee will not be a *witch hunt". Canwall said that 
tha chief concern of the Genalttee weald be the investigatioa of allegationa 
that e * rt f in ot Shiversity of Washington! faculty are Coanunista 

or Coaaenict syapathiaers. He noted that the Legislature eould take action 
in this field as it haa soae control over the University's funds. Canwall 
fttrther advised that his Ceaaittee would not be interested in bona fide labor 
activities, but w>uld seek to identify and make knoaa GosBsnists who might 
be associated with labor groups. 

Canwell inquired at the Seattle Office if he night obtain infer* 
aation from the files of the Bureau and was, of courae, adrised of the con- 
fidential nature of the inforaation contained therein. He stated that he 
realised each was the case and had made the inquiry as a routine matter. 
He thereafter offered to furniah to the Bureau information which he felt 
aight be of interest, and he was advised that if it eaaa to tha attention 
of the Buxvau that the activities of his Ceaaittee were conflicting with the 
- E-tny eatigative activities of the Bureau, he would be advised. Canwell spool- 
finally stated that he did not want the activities of his Comnittee to 

Mr. Tolson 
Mr. E. A. " 
Mr. Clegg_ 
Mr. Glavin 
Mr. Ladd ~ 

Mr. Nichols / / . L \j 

Mr. Rosen vL-'V^i ^ 

Mr. 'i'racy ~ ' " " 

£: £ T AFLorton :FES J 


lir. :-.&rbo 

Mr. Kendon 

Mr. Pennlngton _ 
Mr. Quinn Tamm % 
Tele. Roo m 


Kiss Gandv 


DATE 11-05-2009 ' ' / 

interfere is any way sitb aattare «t iatareet to the Bareaa. Mr. Ma/nor 
etated that be vaa lapreeeel with Cenaell'e eiaaarity ftela that if 
the Oeaaitta* pro— d» on the teds outlined the eerie ef the Coaeittee 
will te ef reel benefit to the Stat* ef HaaMagtae* 

la tli* near fatare anl plana te stop^atftte Boreas* the office of tte 
Attorney General, and the Beaaa Oa-AnerieaK Aetivitlee Coaatittee for any 
•nggeetieaa nhieh night be of benefit to bia Conadttee. 


alfrod F.ffattoall m bora January Hi iw, la Spokano, laaa- 
iagfoa. Ha gruduutoiifro« high school aad attoadod Speaaao Jaalor Collago 
and Qonaaga BniYoroity, oharo ho naa rogardad « suparior stadoat, tot did 
not obtain a dogros. froa Iftf to l©4l ho an* ongagod is too aonopapor 
buo^., pifclia^ hi. om ooakly aonopapor at XddM, *aoo4agtoa7froa 

? 37 L. S B "*ii? i8 * ****** DoFaty- Shoriff for 

Spokano County froa 1**2 natll hi» oloetioa to tho Washington Stat* Bouse 
of loprooontatisna. So i» praaantly a aoafeor of tha Stata legislators aad 
GhoirMtt of tho nooly-foiaod Joist Coontittoo on %-daorieon Aotisitios. 

Bational Agodgg AppUcaUon (10^9*52) 

„ „ A **• a g**? l# c * BBt y a » rtjff, « <*»«* «PPUod for paradasion to sons 
CoaooU^to tho national Aeodoay in January, I9k$. Xnrootigatlon roflootod 
# Iv M * oaployorn, Ms oarront oapleyor and oovoral Agonto 

of too Buroau rooo a a t ondod hia rory hlfiolT. Tnfowotioa contained la too 
Boroau file* reflected that one hod alleged in Jannarv ioh* 
that (top and Ida Wo bretlsJrierelu^^ 
to eonneetion with too Rational Acadeay investigation reflected that 
una a mental eaao and could not support hie allegations* 

Information w also asuilable ia tho filoo that a lro. W. A. 
Sastaaa, Jr., has otatod that Caneell was pre-4eman aad a aoaber of tho 
Jehovah* e Witnesses. Upon reinterriew during tho Motional Aeadoay iarooti- 
gatien of Csawell, Mro. gastaaa rotraetod thooo otatoaoato. 

1a , . . . to ooaaidoriag tho national Aeadoay application oa Boeenber 13, 
9 TtL^* E3aKmtiv * c «af««wo otatod that any allegations of an-Aaorieaa 
!! I 6 !? 3 ** V""* 1 di«proved. On tho othor hand, it nan 

dooidod that Camrall appeared to bo a weak applicant ia that ho oooaodV 
onpportor of aaaooal idoao or "fads* aad oao not sdaeuataW «t*hi« t* ... 
dooid^t elthough it would bo ^^CmSTT^JSS^^ 3' 
hi. fuperior, wanted to insist « hi. attondiag tho t£^TSft£SiL 
Agoat in Charge bo instructed to aako a dl^eet offort t7^otC»U^ 
jnjporioro to sond aaothor eon. Tho Spokane County Sheriff, unenlsiTisse of 
too situation, requested a lottor froa tho Bureaa stating why CanewllTas 
not aoooptjd. Ho oylainod that CannoU m. a n^pabUoon and that ho, tho 
Shorif^imo a Doaoerat aad that thoroforo CaawoU aight think tho Shlriff 
m» laoponaiblo. So lottor oao fayaiohod* tho Shoriff did not ooloet an 
altoroato ^pplioant duo to tho liaitod tiao availabio, bat thara has boon 
no indication of ill fooling a. a woalt of tho doolination of thi. appli- 



fha filaa iadiaata that CanaaU baa baaa flriandly with Sp«*ial 
J«aata Buaaall Bwrataia, Saaaal 9* Saith aad Brantta? P. ChappaU* all 
ftaaar Haaidant Aganta at Spofama Washington, ga *pp*r«ntly alvayv baa 
toaan and atill is T«ry fclanaly ta ths Boraaa. 


jfc&mtl Sumo* ni foxMzti$atian 
UntUh &tot?fi Bejmrtttumt of Kuatti 

Seattle, Washington 

DATE 11-05-2009 

June 7, 1947 


Director, FBI 

Dear Sir; 




Mr. QuinnTmnW- 
Mr. Neas e 

On the afternoon of June 4. 19^7 T MR. /\ ^gffi^ y n CANWELL f Chair man. 
W ashingto n StatyiM-Aii^rican Activities Commi ttee, accompanied by MR, WILLIAM 
HOUSTON, former^ Chief rnvestigator f Civil Service Commission. Seattl e. 
Washington, personally c alled a ,t this office in connect ion with another 
matter and during the conversation brought up the q nftj«rrh nf nh-h^i^jpg 
personnel for the above-captioned c ommittee • During the general conversation 
1 had with the aforementioned individuals M R. CANWELL mentioned that Specia l 
Agent TONY RE EDER was in Seattle within the past, tan days and was presently 
i n the process of commurd ? frt-jrig miih Bureau in t*ap;«t>h to accepting 
p osition with the abov e-cap tioned committee* MR, C ANWELL also advised that 
STAN LEITH. who is presently employed by Boeing Aircraft Corporation. Seatt le , 
W ashington, as Assista nt Chi ef of Plant Protection Di vision , would also .he- 
come a nignber of his staff i n the near future^ For the information of the 
Bureau, W ILLlM" HOUSTON was f orm erly in charge of the Investigativ e Section 
of the Ci vil S ervice jommissipn, Seatt le » Washington , and in that capacity 
has f urnished considerable information to this office concerning cases in 
wh ich w e had an i nterest . The Ufa-Amer lean Acti v jjAlfiaJioitmri t tea m i n t.a in s 
^^l^^^g^^gMgSe^ a^J^Sm JJ A» -. N r w flrmo ryJfoul di ng, ^ Q 3 , ii a rii a mJ&Eflat, 
Seattle, Wa shington, telephone Alder 2857» . , ^.^^~~^^ ymmr 

The above is being furnished for information purposes ♦ 

Very truly yours, 


DATE 11-05-2009 

May 10, 2MB 

mumjtsBuu rw m*. tamm 



o* May 6th Mr* jdF%mmU f Chair ma of th* 

tot* of wa*hi*gt*» m**mr$Md0%i*ttu» omttt**, 

e«U«4 *<» ««» •§ i«e«v«(il fry ifr. £•»•*•*. f»# 
W« Aod &»«n »<t« tAroupA Coagrooomon Baron. 

Mr, Cmmmmll *tmt*d **•* At* ffmiiln (*t«nd»d 
•Aftrftly to iAfufr* tut* C#ap$»af«* |» th* »orf»*» *cao«2« 
and nKairiHdi »a# £*«*« */» *«•*<«?*«« and m* mould 
lih* «• bo obi* #• contoct Mr S*mttl* Offte* mad obtain 
from th*m wMea af?A* fttf u«*d «« J*ad« 

*« *ntt ?«mltt«# fa woa an taoootigation. 

J fid Mr, Common that J, «/ oomr**, hm*m 

«*u*rolltt of th* mr* of his C*mmttt*o, mod that a&partAtJy 
• and a l* «*««ef«t*« *od *rf«tf *# A^rcaaa tAdir 
*Atf««tlgatieA« tm m *bj*otio* m—*r mad that thio ma* 
gratifying. I told him Mat th* ftl** of tbio Buroam 
m*r* c*afid*attal but that J mould got im tomeh with ffr m 
wtloom, th* Agoat in Charg* of th* Somttl* Offto* t *o 
that h* 0 Mr. CmmU, might talk with Mr* Wilcox mhoa h* 
r*turm*4 to Saattl* mad if th*r* mm* aajf taf*ruatioa tm 
our ftloo of public rooord mad mhtoh did mot fall mithim 
omr apootfi* Jmri*di*tiom mad oauld therofor* b* u**4 
m* I—Ma am hi* Commit*** I mould omdmmmor t* mrrmag* to 
hmoo omoh maUriml mad* amilahl* to htm *om*t*t*at g < 
•/ eomr**, mtth public tat*r**t*» \ 

Jf mm** *mll*d Mr m 9 1 loom mad ham* mdviood htm 
of thio oomo*r*mttoa m 

r*rg truly your*, 

. Tolson 

. E. A. Tem~ 

. Clegs ~ 

. Glavln 

. Ladd 

. Nich ol s 
. Rose n ~ 
* Trac y~ " 
. Sea n 
. Gurne a 
. Harbo ~ 
. irohr 
- PennlngtoJ 
> Qulnn Tai 
Le. Room_ 


i2MAY181348 v 

DATE S~-/V f> 

i/ohm Sdgar Soovor 

FORM NO. 64 

Oj^c^ Nlemorandufn • united states government 

j^t^^ /%T DATE: 5-6-48 

TO : Mr. Nichols)' / ^ UAA * : SlSUi 1 ^ 

FROM : M. A. ^^0^ 



Mr. Glavin 

Mr. Ladd 

Mr. Nichols"^ 
Mr. Rosen " 

Mr. Tracy 

Mr. Carson 

Mr. Egan_ 

Mr. Gurnea 
Mr. Harbo 


Mr. Penning ton_ 
Mr. Qulnn Tamn_ 

Tele. Room 

Mr. Nease 

Miss Beah m 
Miss dandy 

Canwell was born January 11, 1907, in Spokane, Washington. He 
attended Spokane Junior College and Gonzaga Uhiversity, where he was regarded 
as a superior student but did not attain a degree. From 1932 to 1941, he was 
engaged in the newspaper business, part of that time publishing his own weekly 
newspaper in Yakima. He was a Deputy Sheriff in Spokane County from 1942 until 
his election to the Washington State House of Representatives in 1946. In 1944 
and 1945, while he was Deputy Sheriff, his superior recommended him for attend- 
ance at the National Academy, and he was highly recommended by Special Agent 
Russell Eberstein and other Agents who knew him well and by the SAC at Seattle. 
The investigation of him was favorable with the exception that in 1943 he had 
been reported as pro-German and a member of the Jehovah's Witness sect. In- 
vestigations of these allegations have been negative, but the Executive Conference 
in the Bureau on December 13, 1944, decided that although all derogatory allega- 
tions against Canwell had been disproved, he appeared to be a weak candidate 
because he seemed to be a supporter of unusual ideas or tt fads, w and it was 
recommended that the SAC at Seattle discreetly attempt to get the Sheriff to 
name another candidate. This was done apparently without offending either the 
Sheriff or Canwell, and before Canwell 1 s name could come up again as a possible 
candidate for the National Academy he was elected to the Washington State 

On February 26, 1947, Canwell introduced a resolution before the State 
House of Representatives for the formation of an Un-American Activities Committee. 
The bill forming the committee was passed on March 7, 1947, and Canwell was made 
1 Chairman. 



On April 7, 1947, Canwell called at the Bureau, hoping to see the [/ 
Director and also the Attorney General, While here, he talked to Special Agent 
J. C. Strickland, offering his cooperation and saying that he hoped to receive 
the cooperation of the Bureau. Since he became Chairman of this Committee, 
Canwell has been in contact with the Seattle Office a few times discussing with 
them the need for personnel for his committee and the general problems of sub- 
versive activities. His attitude toward the Bureau has always sewed very good f 
and information in the Bureau files indicates that he has done well as Chairman 

of th. ; ; :CORD£0 .a\^ i Jjlh.^^-f 

His Committee received nationwide publicity Febffllry, J948, following 
the testimony that it took^frpm Har^y Bridges'' wifejQ M^y ]Bf iftggs told the Can- 
well Conmittee that her former husbandm** been a card-carrying member of the 
Communist Party threatened her life if she exposed him. ThiSj testimony 

made headlines for the Canwell Committee all over toe,.j»ttaiiw ...Die.vjMreau secured 
la transcript of the testimony. (100-181638; 1-2452; 1-3296; 100-3-20-656; 

,\ | 39-915-2617) 


' "TV T? P T ?. C? Of T X? T P 7, T T ClXX ?« TTTUfl Ti T TV T:X! TiTTTVT; H?Tinif- 

DATE 11-05-2009 


DATE 11-05-2003 

September 18, 1962 

- /*<■'■■ - * 









„ ^€ Mr. Walte)&rreenaway 
W Tonaiggg^^gon 

Dear Mr. Greenaway: 

Tour letter of September 11th, with enclosure, 
has been received. 

With respect to your inquiry, the FBI is strictly 
an investigative agency of the Federal Government and neither 
makes evaluations nor recommendations concerning any organ- 
ization, publication or individual. Also, information in our files 
is maintained as confidential in accordance with regulations of 
the Department of Justice. Please do not infer either that we do 
or do not have data in our files relating to your inquiry. In view 

««f the foregoing, I hope you will understand why I am unable to 

(Comftgnt as you requested. 

Enclosed is some material which I trust will be 
invest to you. 

Sincerely yours, 

John Edgar Hoover 

sures (4) 

It Be Law or Tyranny? 

it on Communism 7-15-£2, 

* Expfce of Soviet Espionage 


Mai one 

Rosen i 


Tnvpl KJ 


Tele. Room . 



filEr*>2 8 1962 






»te next page. 


Mr. Walter Greenaway 

NOTE: Correspondent is not identifiable in Bufiles. The enclosure 
sets forth in question and answer form an interview with Al Canwell 
who discusses the American Civil Liberties Union and sets forth 
derogatory information relating to Mr. John Goldmark and his wife, 
Mrs. Sally Goldmark, aka Irma Ringe. 

Bufiles indicate Canwell has a contacted the Bureau in 
the past. He has been described as being/somewhat flighty opportunist 
with whom we have guarded relations. The Director wrote a 
memorandum indicating that Canwell called him on 5-6-48 and 
inquired about communism. Canwell was advised he should contact 
the Special Agent in Charge of our Seattle Office to get any public 
source information available. In 1944-45, he was highly recommended 
as a National Academy applicant. Our investigation was favorable 
with the exception that in 1943 it was stated he was pro-German and a 
member of Jehovah's Witnesses. Our investigation did not substantiate 
this, but we requested that another applicant be recommended. It was 
noted he was a member of the Washington State Legislature in 1947. 

- 2 - 


To nasket Wash. 
Sept 11, 1962 

J. Edgar Hoover 
Washington D, C. 

Dear Sir: 

I recently received the enclosed pamphlet 
in the mail. I would like your opinion of the American 
Civil Liberties Union mentioned in the pamphlet. And 
also if Mr. Canwell is qualified to give the statements 

Truly yours 


fei automatic declassification guide / / Walter Qreenaway 

■ATE 11-05-2009 ' °' «.j ^ ^ ^ ^ 


REC- 52 A'Q^JjL/Ai? - j 
10 * ^ 

3 or. 

/> ' f // "u 

Vol. I, No. 2. 

American Intelligence ^srvice 

A. f/cUnwELL, Director 
W. 61f Sprague "'"Ave^^ w ^™ ' , ^8pokane f Washington 

August, 1962 


Question - "What are you presently doing Mr. Canwell?" 
Mr. Canwell - "I operate a non-governmental intelligence 
service, specializing in security information." 

Question - "Did you undertake this activity with prior ex- 
perience In a governmental capacity?" 
Mr. Canwell - "I have been in various phases of professional 
investigations for many, many years. My governmental 
activity in this direction had to do with directing the Un- 
American Activities Committee of the Washington State 

Question - "As a consequence of your work and investigative 
activities in this capacity, did you have an occasion to 
investigate Communist front organizations?" 
Mr. Canwell - "Yes, we investigated a great many Communist 
fronts. In investigating the Communist apparatus you must' 
investigate the fronts because they are a principal way by 
which the Party extends its activity. One of the majori 
activities of the Communists is propaganda and this is spread 
chiefly through fronts." 

Question - Can you tell me anything about the American, 
Civil Liberties Union ?" 

Mr. Canwell - "The American Civil Liberties Union is in my 
judgement one of the most effective Communist fronts in 
America. " 

Question - "On what do you base this judgement?" 
Mr. Canwell - "it was organized in 1920. The founder of the 
American Civil Liberties Union was Roger Baldwin, whom 
the House Un-American Activities Committee and the 
Senate Internal Sub-Committee have listed as belonging to 
more than one hundred (100) Communist fronts. For most 
of the history of the American Civil Liberties Union, he was 
its active head. He is merely representative of many, many 
such personalities identified with the American Civil 
Liberties Union. Its activities have been largely on behalf of 
Communists and Communist causes, particularly when Com- 
munists are in trouble with the courts, or with legislative* 

Question - Could you give me any information about the 
Washington State Chapter of the American Civil Liberties 

Mr. Canwell - "The Washington State Chapter is one of the 
most effective units of the American Civil Liberties Unfon 
because it has some of the ablest left-wing lawyers in the/ 
country on its board. There are men who are on many of 
the major Communist fronts, who also are officers on the 
National American Civil Liberties Union and on the State 
Civil Liberties Union." 

Question - "Could you tell me what the position of the 
Washington State Chapter of the ACLU is in regards to the 
McCarran Act which requires Communists to register?" 
Mr. Canwell - "The position of the Washington state chapter 
membership has been identical with that of the Communist 
Party. They want to eliminate the McCarran Act. They havei 
been traditionally opposed to all a nti- Communist legislation, 
and have opposed all legislation to protect us against the 



Communist conspiracy. They have always taken the position 
of defending the Communist Party." 

Question - Mr. Canwell, upon examining a copy of the letter- 
head of the Washington State Chapter of the ACLU, I see 
the name of John Goldmark, who happens to be the Wash- 
ington State Representative for the First Legislative dis- 
trict from Okanogan and Douglas counties. In the course of 
your investigations, did you run across Mr. Goldmark and 
his history of activities?" 

Mr. Canwell - "Let me say that I have had a great interest 
in Mr. Goldmark. He is a brilliant young lawyer, a graduate 
of Harvard law school, a nephew of Justice Brandeis of the 
Supreme Court. A man with his legal training and back- 
ground and family connections could probably obtain a job 
in almost any law office in Amercia, yet he is in the State 
of Washington doing anything but practicing law, and 
coupled with the fact that he has usually taken an extreme 
left position in his legislative activities, I have been inter- 
ested in the man." 

Question - "Mr. Canwell, what can you tell me about Mr. 
Goldmark' s family? Is he married, and if so, to whom?" 
Mr. Canwell - "Yes, Mr. Goldmark is married to Saily Gold- 
mark. At least that's the name she goes by now. In my 
acquaintance with her background, she was known as Irma 
Ringe, and I came to know a great deal about Irma Ringe 
before I knew anything about John Goldmark." 
I had investigated the activities of Alger Hiss and many* 
people in the higher levels of Government who had betrayed 
this Government through their activity in the Communist 
party. And during that time, I became quite familiar with 
the Harold Ware cell in Washington, and the various people 
connected with it. Whittaker Chambers, whom I came to 
know well, and Elizabeth Bentley, Nathaniel Weyl, the 
man who wrote "Red Star Over Cuba",, were members of 
this Communist spy cell in Washington. They were organized 
by Harold Ware, a top Soviet Agent, and the people in such 
a cell were Soviet Agents,, and were exposed and revealed to 
be Soviet Agents engaged in acts of espionage. Men like 
Gregory Silvermaster, Hiss, Bentley, Chambers, Perlo and 
Kramer. In the early fifties the research director of thp 
House Un-American Activities committee asked me to look 
into the case of Irma Ringe who had been a member of the 
second highest Communist cell in Washington - one of those 
organized by Harold Ware, and in this cell were Victor 
Perlo, and Charles Kramer an espionage agent. And Irma 
Ringe had been a member of this group. 
To answer your question, I found that she was living in the 
state of Washington and she was married to John Goldmark; 
and that John Goldmark was a member of the Washington 
state legislature. 

In investigating her oase, I found that it had been very 
carefully kept secret. A short time after this, the House 
Un-American Activities committee subpoenaed Irma Ringe 
to appear before it in Seattle, and at that time she told her 
story to the committee. She replied to their questions about 
her activities, admitted a former membership in the Com- 
munist Party, and an association with Charles Kramer, and 

Please Tint Fa«e Over 

Victor Perlo and several others in this cf*** She stated that 
stte left the Communist Party, and she al; :ated in answer 
to questions about the espionage activities of this group that 
she knew nothing about that phase of it, that in these meet- 
ings with these high level agents that all they did was to sit 
aroun)d and talk about philosophical matters. This of course 
was very disappointing to the committee of Congress because 
they felt that she would be ablle to reveal a great deal of 
information and throw light on things they didn't know, as 
Bentley, Chambers, Weyl, and others had: done. They were 
very disappointed that she was unable to give them any 
information other than that the group discussed philosophical 

Question - "This same Irma Ringe who has been identified, 
and who admitted that she was a member of this cell at 
this time is the same woman who is now Sally Goldmark?" 

Mr. Canwell - "Yes, she is one and the same person, I might 
add too, that she says she left the Communist Party, and I 
would accept that in the light that it is given if her activity 
were such as to indicate a clean break with the party. Now, 
in my experience with ex-Communists, they are willing 
usually to give a great deal of information to the Govern- 
ment. Then in addition to* that, to make up for the treachery' 
against their Government, they feel obligated to take part 
in opposing Communism. By opposing it, I mean opposing the 
current Party line. ' 

I can illustrate Irma Hinge's attitude very well on the matter 
of the film "Operation Abolition." A chief target of the 
Communist Party in the United States the last several years/ 
has been the House Un-American Activities committee, and 
an official report of that Committee known as "Operation 

Now it would seem to me that anyone who had been inside 
the Communist apparatus would know how important to the 
security of America and to the freedom of the world the 
operation of this Committee is. He or she would want to do 
everything in the world possible, it would seem to me fi to 
help the Government of the United States through its Con- 
gress to combat and counteract Communism and Com- 
munists. That just seems to be the reasonable thing to me. So 
when 1 find a person such as Sally Goldmark who has been* 
in the Communist Party on a very high level, and who has 
been treated exceedingly fairly by the House Un-American 
Activities Committee and by that I should state it held its 
hearing on Mrs. Goldmark in executive session and did not 
make public the minutes of that meeting or the transcript of 
the testimony. It was a very fair thing to Irma Ringe. And 
still, in spite of that, she has been very much opposed to the 
showing of the film "Operation Abolition", which is a report 
of the House Un-American Activities committee. Such a 
thing just seems inconsistent to me. I have no way of read- 
ing her mind, but I know that if 1 had been in the Communist 
Party, and I saw the light, I would then bend all of my 
efforts to opposing the Party and would join those who are 
opposing it and I would not be opposed to the House Un- 
American Activities Committee. I would not be opposed to 
people who are giving their lives and their energies to aci- 
complishing security for this country and for the world. So 
I find her activity an enigma. I only wish that she could see 
Communism in the same light as Elizabeth Bentley, and 
Whittaker Chambers and others who were in the same 

Soviet spy apparatus, b«t who did so much for this cojuntry 
in revealing what the; ew." 

Question - "Mr. Canwell could you tell me when Irma Ringe 
married John Goldmark, and became Sally Goldmark?" 
Mr. Canwell - "It was in 1942. They were married in Wash- 
ington, D. C, and then he was called to active duty by ttie 
Naval Reserve, and he served until 1943. After that they 
came out to Washington and he worked for an apple rancher 
down in White Salmon, which is the first place that I 
picked up their trail in Washington state. They then came to 
the Okanogan and suddenly became cattle ranchers." 
Question - "When did Mrs. Goldmark indicate that she had 
broken with the Communist Party?" 

Mr. Canwell- "I believe, now again I'm speaking without my 
record or notes in hand, but I believe she testified that it was? 
in 1943 or '49 that she broke with the party, but I could be 
mistaken on that. I would wish to check my records. She 
did state when she broke with the party f) and 1 believe she 
said it was when she came to the state of Washington or 
right after she came to the state of Washington; or it might 
have been earlier." 

Question - "In drawing this to a close would you have any 
observations, Mr. Canwell, about the present state or con- 
dition of our internal and national security as a consequence 
of the Communist threat or infiltration? Is this threat just 
a thing of the past or something we need be concerned with 
at the present?'-' 

Mr. Canwell - "It is my considered opinion, based on nearly 
twenty-five (25) years of experience in this field, that we 1 
are in the most critical situation in our .history. We have 
one enemy the global Communist Party with its world wide 
apparatus which is working everywhere and we are being 
told by people who know better there is no internal threat 
in America. That is a dishonest assertion. It is a dangerous 
one. The Communist threat is world wide. Ifs both without 
and within. It's like an octopus the heart or the center 
may be in Moscow, but the tentacles are everywhere. 
Joseph Kornfeder who was one of the highest Communists 
in America at one time and the only American to serve on 
the Comintern, said recently we should not be misled by 
the fact that there are assuredly between five and ten 
thousand known members of the Communist Party in the 
United States at the present moment. He said the Com- 
munist party would have a great many more members now 
if it wanted them. This cadre membership is what is con- 
venient to the task that they have at hand. Hie said this 
five to ten thousand Communists represents as many pro- 
fessional organizers. They're hard core, disciplined Com- 
munists who are going to go all the way. The weaklings 
have been weeded out. These people are professionals; they're 
dangerous; they're out to kill us. Actually, to get an idea of 
how effective this number is for the Communist Party, 
imagine what we would give for five thousand professional 
organizers behind the Iron Curtain. 

One can not overestimate the danger. These agents are 
everywhere. They are in key positions. They are in the 
ministry of the churches. They are in our educational system. 
They are in the scientific fieLds. They are at the highest 
levels of government. 

Only a knave or a fool would underestimate the danger.. It 
has never been greater." 



r#t9nwell v 
Sneaker On Red 
Threat Within U.S. 

Albe rt ^ F.pCanwell Re- 
search b'rectQr of Ameri c a n' 
Intelligence Service, Will: ad- 
dress a public meeting in Day- 
ton on Wednesday, February 
16, at 8 :00 P.M. in Wampler's 
Red Barn. 

Al Canwell is one of the 
most noted authorities on the 
internal threat of Commu- 
nism in America today. He 
served as Chairman of trie j 
Washington State Committee 
on Un-American Activities — 
in which position he was the 
first person to publicly expose 
the connections of Alger Hiss. 

In addition to his activities 
at the state level, he has 
served as Chief of the Identi- 
fication Bureau in Spokane's 
Sheriffs Department and 
served on special assignment 
in Europe under Scott Mc- 
Leod of the State Depart- 
ment; His extensive investi- 
gative background ha$ been 
utilized in cooperation with 
Jthe F.B.L in exposing Rus- 
sian activities during the 

Title of his speech here is 
"Internal Subversion." \ The 
lecture, sponsored by Day- 
ton's Open Forum of Ameri- 
can Opinion, is designed to 
create better understanding 
of current issues. The meet- 
ing is open to the public, and 
tickets will be Available at 


Mr. Ca! 
Mr. Onra 
Mr. Felt 
Mr. </:..; » 
Mr. R v ?n 
Mr, .van: 
Mr. Tavel . 

Mr. Trotte^ 

Tele. Room . 

191 im 2 1986 

Butler, Ohio 
February 12, 1966 
Page 1